Dcode Wireless Barcode Scanner DC5112

  • Rs. 3,014.00
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Dcode Wireless Barcode Scanner DC5112

2.4G Wireless Communication technology, effective range up to 100 meters.
Built in 1400 mAH battery.
Can Store up to 100,000 barcodes.
32 Bits CPU – super decoding ability.
DC 5122 has the following features

Offers omnidirectional reading of 1D/2D barcodes, including poor quality and mobile barcodes.
2.4G Wireless Communication technology, effective range up to 100 meters.
Built in 1400 mAH battery.
Can Store up to 100,000 barcodes.
32 Bits CPU – super decoding ability.


  • Bluetooth Communication technology, effective range up to 50 meters.
  • Can be connected with Windows/Android/
    IOS based phones and tablets directly.
  • Built in 1400 mAH battery.
  • Can Store up to 100,000 barcodes.
  •  Switchable SPP and HID mode.

DC 5122 BT cheap bluetooth scanner has the following features 

  • Bluetooth Communication technology, effective range up to 50 meters.
  • Can be connected with Windows/Android/
    IOS based phones and tablets directly.
  • Built in 2200 mAH battery.
  • Can Store up to 100,000 barcodes.
  • 32 Bits CPU – super decoding

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