Foxin Office Lamination Machine Body METAL FX-330

  • Rs. 3,182.00
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Foxin Office Lamination Machine Body METAL  FX-330

Model No FX-330
Warranty 1 Year From Foxin
Product Lamination Machine
Width Size A3
Key Feature Comes loaded with features to indicate Lesser Warm-Up Time and Lights signals when the machine is ready, special rollers for uniform and bubble free lamination
Encased in a complete metal body, it is sturdy and though and can be carried to places at ease and has a confidence inspiring tactile feel.
Encase in a rigid Shock-Proof Body and is compatible with an A3,A4 paper.
It comes with a high quality power cable that is enough to power the 620W laminating machine.
It has a Wide range of Application and can be used for home, office, school and a lot of different places.


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