Qubo Smart Plug 10-A White

  • Rs. 735.00
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Qubo Smart Plug 10-A White

  • Compatible with light appliances like TVs, kettles, table fans, lamps, air purifier etc. With remote control through voice and app control you can control them conveniently using your phone or google assistant and alexa devices to switch on/off, or to set schedules and timers on them.
  • Energy Consumption Monitoring - Manage, track and conserve energy consumption of appliances efficiently with access to real time power monitoring.
  • Scheduler - Use the app to create customized schedules to automate your daily activities. Like schedule to switch on the air purifier to turn on at 8pm every night in the bedroom and switch off at 7:30am.
  • Timer - No more panic. Never forget to switch off an appliance again by setting up a smart timer on them. You can conserve energy or also protect your devices from overcharging like in the case of phone and laptop chargers.
  • Safety - In case, you are also someone who forgets if they have switched off a device or not, one can connect it to a plug and also remotely turn off a device. Save your high energy bills and your house from unprecedented damage.
  • Sharing & Grouping - Multi-person control of one device. And multiple devices can be grouped.
  • Voice Control compatibility - It works with Alexa and Google assistant devices. Simply make a voice command to control devices without having to physically interact with them.

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