Panasonic Cordless Landline Phone KX-TG3411SX – BROOT COMPUSOFT LLP
Panasonic Cordless Landline Phone KX-TG3411SX

Panasonic Cordless Landline Phone KX-TG3411SX

  • Rs. 2,470.00
Tax included.

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Panasonic Cordless Landline Phone KX-TG3411SX

Replace your old and wired landline phone with this Panasonic cordless model and make quick calls to your associates or loved ones from either home or office, without giving away your personal contact number. 

Caller ID Support

This feature allows you to identify the person calling you before picking up the call.

50 Phonebook Entries

You can easily store the names and numbers of up to 50 important contacts in this phone. And the best part is that you can speed-dial a few of them without searching for the contact details every time with just the press of a button.

10 hrs Talktime

By charging this phone once, you can talk with your contacts or family members for up to 10 hours.



Model KX-TG3411BX
General Frequency 2.4 GHz
Number of Channels 91 Channels
Number of Phone Lines 1
Multiple Handsets Capability 1
Multiple Base units Capability -
LCD Languages English
Advanced Feature Incoming Call Barring (Black List ) *¹ -
Ringer/ Charger Indicator -
Category Ringer (Ringer ID) *¹ *² -


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