Tenda O8 5GHz 23dBi 11ac Outdoor Access Point to Point (P2P)

  • Rs. 5,462.00
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Tenda O8 5GHz 23dBi 11ac Outdoor Access Point to Point (P2P) 

O8 5GHz 23dBi 11ac Outdoor CPE is designed to PtP and PtMP solutions for private ISP wireless connectivity, CCTV surveillance and data transmission. It features with 23dBi directional vertical polarization antenna to provide an

 efficient way to pick up and maintain a stable long-distance connectivity up to 20km. Adopt of auto-bridging technology, two CPE can connect to each other automatically to make it easy to setup.


Feature Specification
Wireless Frequency 5GHz (802.11ac)
Wireless Speed Up to 433Mbps
Ethernet Port 1 × Fast Ethernet Port
Antenna 23dBi Directional Antenna
Weatherproof Rating IP65 Weatherproof Enclosure
Lightning Protection 6000V Lightning Protection
Operating Modes AP, Station, WISP
Power Supply 50m Passive PoE for Flexible Deployment


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