Corseca Wireless Mouse - BROOT COMPUSOFT LLP

Corseca Wireless Mouse

  • Rs. 489.33
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Corseca Wireless Mouse

Modular Top Cover:

Comes with an extra cover inside the pack, simply snap to remove one colour snap back to replace with the colour you wish.

Nano Receiver:

Plug & Play smart connect with Bit or Bit Encoder, say goodbye to worries of mismatch of the interface.

Great Stand-by:

Utilises State-of-the-Art low power technology to achieve long Stand-by time without the hassle of frequent battery changes. 

Guaranteed High Performance:

1200DPI Resolution frame Rate: Up to 2400 FPS Tracking Speed, Up to 27 inches per second. 

Ergonomic Marvel:

Use it once and get addicted to ultimate comfort. Experience the difference of improved support for your palm, wrist and finger joints.

Absolute Control:

3-Button Mouse: Left, Right and Roller Scroll. Added convenience for users who required precise positioning and use functions such as opening, closing, selecting files etc...

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