Denon PMA-30 Integrated Stereo Amplifier - Compact Design 30W x 2 Channels Bluetooth Streaming, USB-B Input Horizontal or Vertical Orientation Included USB-A to USB-B Cable

  • Rs. 46,900.00
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Denon PMA-30 Integrated Stereo Amplifier - Compact Design 30W x 2 Channels Bluetooth Streaming, USB-B Input Horizontal or Vertical Orientation Included USB-A to USB-B Cable

  • The Denon PMA-30 replaces your standard component amplifier and offers modern connectivity
  • Enjoy listening to your favourite music from your portable device via wireless Bluetooth connectivity
  • There are multiple digital inputs for compatibility with digital audio sources like a set-top-box or TV, along with an analog stereo input for legacy analog sources
  • The PMA-30 is rated at 40 watts per channel into 4 ohms, for compatibility with the widest range of speaker types
  • The deluxe styling is sized to fit just about anywhere, and it can be positioned horizontally as well as vertically

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