Digitek Power Case iPHONE 5/5S

  • Rs. 1,460.00
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Digitek Power Case iPHONE 5/5S

An iPhone Case with a 2500 MAH BATTERY Built - In! Now You will never have to recharge your phone during the day!!! Even while charging you can use your cell This itself looks like the mobile case as in you don't need to put another cover over it It beautifully fits in the mobile in a sleek way not making it too bulky or ugly You don't have to separately charge this product as whenever you put your mobile on charge this power case also charges automatically Product Features 1.

High Capacity: 2500mah 2.HIGH QUALITY: adopt A class Li-polymer cells, controls the output of current intelligently. 3. Longer Life: Using optimal circuit design ,

it still has the ability of 80% capacity storage even after using for 500 times. 4. Compatibility: Portable with professional intelligent technology, protects the mobiles from being scratched.

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