Mantra Slinex Video Door Phone 7 Inch Screen ML 15HR SM 07M

  • Rs. 7,701.00
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Mantra Slinex Video Door Phone 7 Inch Screen ML 15HR SM 07M

First impression

Slinex МL-15HR is a classic individual outdoor panel in common form factor "Tower". Outwardly, it does not stand out, because all the most interesting and useful parts are placed inside. The device’s body is made of extra strong metal alloy presented in several colors.

Due to some features, which we will discuss further on, the ML-15HR is a unique outdoor panel in its price segment.

Where to use

Thanks to its exterior, the panel is very versatile in use. You can install it both in an office building at the entrance to the floor or cabinet or at the gate on the driveway to a private house. Regardless of the installation place, the panel will be a reliable assistant to your security and provide access control to the building.

This model has several important distinctions from others. The first feature is the presence of a constant video signal. In most panels, photo/video recording starts when the call button is pressed or after the motion detecting function is activated. An ML-15HR has a special power wire for the camera within the panel, through which it can be powered from a separate power source and receive a video signal continuously. The presence of constant signal gives the opportunity to record video to other devices, for example DVR (Digital Video Recorder), without interruption. The recording will be performed regardless of whether the call was made from the panel.

Another distinguishing characteristic is a camera with an improved resolution. While camera resolution is typically 420 TV lines in the same price range with ML-15HR, this device has the feature of 800 TVL.


Rain cover


Unique Features

Backlight of the button

Output of signal on the DVR for recording on motion


Horizontal viewing angle 138º
Device type Outdoor panel for 2 subscribers
Body structure Metal alloy
Camera resolution 960 TVL
Type of sensor 1/4" CMOS
Protection class IP65
Dimensions 110×185×34 mm
Cards type EM-Marin, Mifare, and NFC
Power supply +12V
Operating temperature -40 – +65 °С
Memory capacity 248 user cards
Colors Silver
Night backlight IR LED, up to 1.5 m
Minimal illumination 0,01 Lux



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