Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earphones with Mic S2PGFY-003 - BROOT COMPUSOFT LLP

Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earphones with Mic S2PGFY-003

  • Rs. 1,399.00
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Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earphones with Mic S2PGFY-003

  • Skullcandy's Off-Axis technology makes these earbuds fit in your ears perfectly as they're made with the shape of the inner ear in mind
  • The sounds that are produced by these earbuds make you feel the powerful thump of bass, the sonorous beauty of highs and the natural warmth of vocals
  • It is uncommon for the flat cable of these earbuds to tangle as it has been designed in such a manner. The cable is durable and it sports a unique look
  • With the press of the single button of the in-line remote, you can play or pause tracks. The remote has a mic so you can answer or make calls easily too
  • A person usually sweats when participating in sports or workout sessions; why let that come in the way of your musical experience? Made from moisture-resistant materials, these earbuds are less likely to be harmed by sweat, so you can enjoy music even when you indulge in physical activities

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