Tvs Cash Counting Machine CC-232 Classic+

Tvs Cash Counting Machine CC-232 Classic+

  • Rs. 7,250.00
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Tvs Cash Counting Machine CC-232 Classic+

 Model No    CC 232 CLASSIC Plus
 Warranty   1 Years On Site From TVS / Toll Free No: 18004254566
 Product   Money Counter 
 Detection    Yes 
 Detection Technology   UV(Ultra- Violet) , MG (Magnetic), IR (Infrared) Detection System 
 Key Feature   Its UV and magnetic radiation detect counterfeit notes with LCD red alerts, Suitable for Heavy duty operations , Super fast currency counting: 1200 notes / min , Supports batch function with in- built display, Detects and Counts both old and new currencies, Automatic count mode easy maintenance, Self check function , Automatic start, stop and clear
 Counting speed   1200 pcs / min 
 For More Information


How is it different from CC-232 Classic ?

CC -232 Classic + has Color Display & is better at detecting fake notes then the Classic version. 

How is it different from CC-453 ?

CC-232 Classic + only counts the No of Notes. 

CC-453 Counts different Denomination of Currency.   

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