Yogg HR Wristband (POR-799)

  • Rs. 2,184.00
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Yogg HR Wristband (POR-799)

  • Heart rate monitoring:- you can easily enter the heart rate monitoring mode all the time or whenever you want to measure it
  • Detachable dial:- wear it every day to stay connected in a stylish and intuitive way
  • Magnetic charger:- charge your device with the given magnetic charger
  • Water resistant:- come rain or wind, the unique water resistant design (ip67) ensure that yogg hr works out with you even in harsh weather conditions, without any glitch
  • Connectivity:- connect yogg hr with your smartphones (with bluetooth ble ) using app available on appstore (iphone 4s and above) and playstore (android 4.4 +). Yogg hr uses bluetooth 4.0 for most efficient energy conservation and longer period charging

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